The Best Witches Logo in Blue Purple with Sparkles

GENRE: Fantasy and Adventure

DEMOGRAPHIC: Pre-teen (12-13)

FORMAT: 22min x 10 episodes


A young witch challenges the reigning champions of a magical skateboarding competition to regain a piece of her magic and save her lost sister.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* PROJECT SYNOPSIS *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

For pre-teens ages 12-13, Best Witches highlights the magic of sports and the heart of friendly competition. Like many young athletes, Skyla plays her sport to connect with her peers and build confidence. In the arena, Skyla becomes an unstoppable force with her trusty broom. She gives her all in every match, encouraging her rivals to push themselves to greater heights. Skyla transforms the world around into a brighter place with her passion and painting magic. When Skyla enters the Crown Competition to find her sister, she discovers that the game she loves has become unrecognizable. Witches are stealing their opponent’s magic for themselves. Skyla challenges the reigning champions, The Crowns, to save Witchboarding and defy the status quo.